Step 5: Adding your Domain Name and SSL

You are well on your way to launching your online enterprise now!

Now lets get a custom domain name and SSL certificate so you can launch your storefront!

Domain Name

A domain name makes your store 100% unique and yours. If you have an existing domain name, you can point it to CoreCommerce and use it, and if you do not, you can buy one through CoreCommerce (via our partner and get a discount below:

SSL Certificate

An SSL Certificate allows your domain name and website to be 100% secure. If you decide to use the free domain name CoreCommerce provides when you signup for the trial, the SSL is built in and 100% free to you.

If you decide to buy your own domain name, you will also need your own SSL registered to that domain name. Click below to buy and SSL from at a discounted price:

You are almost ready to launch!